All those who are looking for a loan with a longer repayment term would find the financial aid of loans really fruitful. 90 day Payday loans not only provide you quick financial assistance but also giving you the chance to pay out the small amount of funds in a much longer time span. The quick cash advance obtained with the loan can be freely utilized to meet any of your short term financial purposes without any delay.

At Money Wisely we understand that a 90 day payday loans is a short term solution to an immediate problem. As there are a large number of short term loan providers on the market today, each with their own products and services, choosing the right loan solution for you is important, especially if you are looking for a 3 month loan option.

How Do 90 Day Payday Loans Work?

To acquire a 90 day payday loan, you’ll need to submit an application to a lender, usually online or in person. Upon approval, you’ll receive the funds you need, and you’re expected to repay the loan within the agreed-upon 90-day period. Interest rates and terms may vary among lenders, so it’s essential to research and choose a reputable one.

Are 90 day payday loans easy to get in South Africa ?

To apply for a 90 Day Payday Loans South Africa, simply need to fill in our online application form. Our application form is simple and easy to complete, and we ask only for the data that we need in order to process loan whilst ensuring that are in a position to repay loan on time and in full. To be eligible:

  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • You must reside within the South Africa
  • Regular paid employment, earning at least R 4000 after tax

Required Documents 90 Day Payday Loans

When applying for a 90 day payday loan, you may need to provide:

  • Proof of income, such as pay stubs or bank statements.
  • Identification, like a driver’s license or passport.
  • Contact information, including an email address and phone number.

Can I use a 90 day payday loan for any purpose?

Yes, you can use the loan for any purpose, whether it’s for unexpected medical bills, car repairs, or other urgent expenses. The application process for 90 day payday loans is quick, often providing same-day approval and funding.

What is the difference between a loan and a 90 day payday loans?

When take out a 90 day payday loan, most providers will give you a precise repayment date that may or may not be linked to actual payday. It is on this date that the loan and any related interest has to be paid. If this figure is not repaid in full by that date, the borrower may be subject to additional charges and potentially increased interest that must then be cleared and paid off in full at the earliest opportunity.

When enter into a 90 day payday loans agreement with us here at Money Wisely, you will have all of repayment amounts and dates predetermined. This will enable to borrow the amount that you need, whilst repaying the loan in three equal repayments over a 3 month period. We, therefore, believe that our 3 month loans make repayment planning easier and more convenient for our customers.

I’m A First Time Customer, Can I Get a 90 Day Payday Loans South Africa?

If have passed all of the applicable checks and have met our loan criteria, then yes you can get a loan from us whether are a first time customer or not. We aim to process successful applications as soon as possible, therefore the cash could be in your account by the same working day.

The following are the checks that we perform prior to lending:

Once you have submitted your information, we run our automated checks, as above, and once these have been completed, you will be notified as to the result of your application. To apply, simply complete our application form.

What Are Affordability 90 Day Payday Loans with Credit Checks?

An affordability check, as well as a credit check, is both necessary steps in our 90 day payday loans application process. We are not able to offer any short term loans to customers without these checks. They ensure that we only offer loans to people who can realistically meet their repayments, including the interest, over the time period as specified.

I have a poor credit rating does this affect my 90 day payday loans application?

We will take your credit rating into account when considering your application for a 90 day payday loans, however having a credit score that isn’t perfect won’t disqualify you from securing a loan with us. We consider an individual’s credit score a very important factor in every loan application.

We do appreciate that some people who may have experienced financial difficulties in their past but are now in a stronger position financially than they were previously. We, therefore, look at the picture as a whole when making a decision regarding your 90 day loans.

Can I get a 90 day loan without running a credit check?

No, you do not need to put up any security to obtain a 90 day loans no credit check from Money Wisely. We do not require security, or collateral, because we ensure customers can afford to repay their loans prior to approving an application, by way of affordability and credit checks. We will only lend to you an amount that we believe you can comfortably manage to repay.

I Am Worried That I’ll Need More Time To Repay My Loan – Is This Possible?

Money Wisely appreciate that unforeseen circumstances can arise, and financial situations can change sometimes suddenly, as is the case with financial and or medical emergencies, such as redundancy or an accident that causes you physical harm. These shifts can, therefore, affect your ability to repay your loans and/or meet your financial obligations. Should this occur, we strongly advise that you inform us of this change in circumstance immediately, so we can proceed to providing assistance and or guidance if/where necessary.

Related Questions

Money wisely connected with top lender who provides 90 day payday loans application approval less than 1 hour and most often made available same day. Banks typically make most checks available within a few days in South Africa.

While it’s true that some lenders in South Africa may be willing to offer R2000 loan without salary slip over 90 days and bank statements, it’s crucial to approach such options with caution and be aware of the potential risks involved.

Online lenders offering loans without traditional income verification often compensate for the increased risk by charging significantly higher interest rates. This can lead to a much larger overall repayment amount compared to loans with verified income.

Bad credit? Secured loans, backed by collateral like your car or home, can offer lower rates and higher amounts. Consider this option if traditional loans are out of reach.

Struggling with poor credit? Secured loans, where you pledge valuable assets like your car or house as collateral, can be a lifeline. This reduces lenders’ risk, potentially leading to more favorable terms like lower interest rates and bigger loan amounts compared to unsecured options.

Option focusing on benefits

Secured loans offer a ray of hope! By using your car, home, or even savings as collateral, you can potentially unlock lower interest rates, higher loan amounts, and improved access to credit compared to traditional unsecured loans.

Explore the inclusivity of 90 day payday loans, catering to a different range of financial profiles.

With, discover valuable tips for a smooth application, ensuring a quick and hassle-free experience less than minute.